• Reading time:3 mins read

We’re excited to announce the public release of the PDF version of CLEAN BREAK, which became available on June 30, 2023! This is the preliminary version that we’ve released – it’s available for instant download in our shop! We have also opened the PDF up for errata checks and/or other corrections from our Kickstarter Backers. Though we have received no reports of errors thus far, we will remain attentive and apply any corrections prior to going to print. Those who buy the Clean Break PDF from our shop will receive any and all updates as they become available!

Our team is really excited about Scott’s original layout for CLEAN BREAK. This project has definitely been a labor of love with our team of close friends and gaming buddies coming together to release something fun and a bit off-the-wall – handcrafted from a place of joy and humor.

I’d like to take a moment to remind folks that, while you will be able to purchase the PDF version of CLEAN BREAK for an unlimited time, we are only taking print orders until we go to manufacturing in August, 2023. Once we manufacture the physical copies of CLEAN BREAK, we will only offer the print version if there are any left over following Kickstarter and pre-orders fulfillment. If you mean to get your hands on a physical copy of CLEAN BREAK, don’t dilly-dally. Time’s running out!

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